Dell 7130 Compatible Replacement Jumbo Toner Cartridges and Drum Unit
COLOR: Cyan (330-6138 / 330-6142), Magenta (330-6141 / 330-6143), Yellow (330-6139 / 330-6144), Black (330-6135), Drum (330-6137)
TAGS (toner): 3GDT0 / 2CH2D / J5YD2 / J56D2 / 05C8C / 4C8RP / YJW24 / 7FY16 / 7YNPH / Y79PH / 31PHT / 9H8X3 / FRPPK / 3DRPP / 55GRP / 61NNH
TAGS (drum): RPFY9 / TM7KF / CT350807
YIELD: 19,000 pages (black) 20,000 pages (color: 82% higher compared to: 330-6142 / 330-6143 / 330-6144) 80,000 pages (drum)
COMPATIBILITY: Color Laser 7130cdn
QUALITY: Premium, enabling high resolution print-outs
WARRANTY: 100% full lifetime warranty
SHIPPING: Free of charge, same day or the next business day