Dell 2145 Compatible Replacement Jumbo Toner Cartridges
COLOR: Cyan (330-3788 / 330-3792), Magenta (330-3787 / 330-3791), Yellow (330-3786 / 330-3790), Black (330-3785 / 330-3789)
TAGS: F916N / K442N / R717J / T272J / G534N / J394N / P586K / P587K / G537N / H394N / K756K / K757K / F935N / J390N / M802K / M803K
YIELD: 2,500-5,500 pages (black: 120% higher compared to 330-3785) 2,000-5,000 pages (color: 150% higher compared to: 330-3786 / 330-3787 / 330-3788)
COMPATIBILITY: Color Laser 2145cn
QUALITY: Premium, enabling high resolution print-outs
WARRANTY: 100% full lifetime warranty
SHIPPING: Free of charge, same day or the next business day