Dell 1250 / 1350 / 1355 / 1755 / C1760 / C1765 Compatible Replacement Jumbo Toner Cartridges
COLOR: Cyan (331-0723 / 331-0777), Magenta (331-0724 / 331-0780), Yellow (331-0725 / 331-0779), Black (331-0722 / 331-0778)
TAGS: XKP2P / 810WH / TRNFF / 3K9XM / DV16F / DX7YG / 4R4G5 / MHT79 / XMX5D / 5GDTC / CMR3C / H89YG / JYX82 / J95NM / WM2JC / 5M1VR / 89KJM / DG1TR / VKYJT
YIELD: 700-2,000 pages (black: 0-186% higher compared to 331-0722) 1,400 pages (color: 0-100% higher compared to 331-0723 / 331-0724 / 331-0725)
COMPATIBILITY: Color Laser 1250c, 1350c, 1350cnw, 1355cn, 1355cnw, 1755nf, 1755nfw, C1760nw, C1765nf, C1765nfw
QUALITY: Premium, enabling high resolution print-outs
WARRANTY: 100% full lifetime warranty
SHIPPING: Free of charge, same day or the next business day