Canon FX3 Compatible Replacement Toner Cartridge
TAGS: 1557A002BA / H11-6381-900
COLOR: Black
YIELD: 2,500 pages
COMPATIBILITY: C100 & CFX-L3500 IF, CFX-L4000, CFX-L4500 IF & FAX L200, L250, L280, L300, L350 & FAXPHONE L75, L80 & imageCLASS 1100 , 1100P & LASER CLASS 1060, 1100, 1300, 2050, 2060, 2060P, 4000, 4500, 6000L & MultiPASS L600, L6000
QUALITY: Premium, enabling high resolution print-outs
WARRANTY: 100% full lifetime warranty
SHIPPING: Free of charge, same day or the next business day